Courtney McMurtrey


Courtney McMurtrey


Courtney brings a unique blend of academic rigor and creative passion to Blossom & Grow Fine Arts Preschool. Holding a bachelor’s degree in health psychology, she is deeply committed to exploring the intersection of mental health and overall well-being, a commitment that shines through in her approach to early childhood education.

Beyond her academic pursuits, Courtney finds immense joy in spending quality time with her family. Whether they are bonding over sports, games, or enjoying a movie night together, family time is at the heart of her life outside of work. Her creative spirit thrives through activities like drawing, painting, and crafting poetry, each an outlet for her imaginative expression. Music is also a significant part of her life; Courtney plays both the violin and piano, appreciating their ability to convey emotion and storytelling through melody.

Courtney’s goal is to integrate her academic insights with her creative endeavors, aiming to make a positive impact both personally and within her community. Her dedication to holistic development and nurturing young minds is evident in her thoughtful approach to teaching and learning at Blossom & Grow.

She is excited to embark on this journey of exploration and growth with the preschoolers and looks forward to inspiring creativity and fostering a love for learning in each child at Blossom & Grow Fine Arts Preschool.